Volunteer for NCTA

Do you want to volunteer for our dynamic association? It takes a village!

Occasional Volunteering

If you are interested in helping out occasionally, here's what you can do.

Providing refreshments for events or workshops - post Covid

Writing, editing or proofreading for Translorial.com, our journal

Finding speakers for general meetings

Organizing an in-person or virtual social meeting (NCTA has a Zoom account)

Regular Volunteer Positions

If you’re interested in getting more involved with NCTA on an ongoing basis, we have a few volunteer positions that require a small amount of time throughout the year. These positions open up periodically, so please let us know if you would be interested in one of them.

General Meeting Refreshments Coordinator

Purchase snacks and refreshments for the General Meeting, set up the table and coordinate clean-up after the meeting. A budget will be provided and the cost will be reimbursed.

Membership Outreach Assistant

Identify organizations, such as cultural groups or international chambers of commerce, where we might be able to reach translators and interpreters who are interested in joining a professional association. Work with the membership director to promote NCTA meetings and workshops to community organizations, universities, and online to get the word out to potential new members.

Translorial Proofreader

Proofread assigned portions of Translorial prior to publication. Translorial is now all online only, but we strive for the same high quality as the prior print edition.

Volunteer Now!

Please fill out the form below, we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Volunteer Form

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NCTA Administrator

2261 Market Street, #160

San Francisco, CA 94114-1600



 (510) 845-8712

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If you are looking for a translator or interpreter, click here. You will not get a response if you ask for a translator or interpreter via this form!
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